Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Collective Review

Hello from Princess Procrastinator. Here is my Poirot collection "review" written who knows when after reading who knows when. If you want a shorter version it is this: I am not a fan.

These are pretty silly and melodramatic although apparently some such as The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and Murder on the Orient Express are supposed to be considered "good" mysteries, and they may stand a little above Christies other works in plot, but the quality of composition and characterization is still considerably lower than Doyle's and Sayer's work (particularly the latter's). And often the plots of Christie's works are so fantastic that they are absurd. Cheap and attention-catching but flimsy.

Oh . . . and the little issue of Holmes-baiting (but, since of course he cannot be baited, it is only an attempt at baiting). Um, DO NOT YOU DARE touch him. You are not worthy to touch the ground he walks on. A few pokes must be allowed in order that Holmes worshipers not be thought pompous but this goes too far.

I have some notes from reading The Big Four (notice the title mock) for example, but I think that they are on my dead computer. I will just have to edit this disgustingly late post even more obscenely later. Everyone will live. Adieu,

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