Sponsor a Millennial and Link Fun

I'm constantly collecting bookmarks, and since I enjoy link posts (sometimes a source of the bookmarks), I thought I would make link posts occasionally. I'd prefer mine to be themed though, so this one is about generations, generation divide, etc.

I'm still not tired of finding new satires on millennials.* So, here is another one some of our friends mentioned.

Here is an extremely interesting division of all the U.S. generations (I found this after wondering how many generations back any American could trace his lineage, assuming the furthest limit).

This is a main cause for millennial issues. Also, hilarious, and points out parental issues (although you can have brats without material indulgence, or any indulgence at all) . . . and the snowball effect. This is common sense, people. Or rather should be.

Can you score well on these 8th grade exams? I printed them out and started, then realized I should just use them for reference to study!

*I'm a millennial, I realize, and I don't like when the boomers bash us, um, I don't think the people responsible for raising us and our parents should talk about irresponsibility, ya know?! I've read several criticisms of that generation's selfishness . . . snowball effect. Nevertheless, I am usually disgusted with my generation and the one after that (Gen Z, post-Millennial, iGen, whatever you want to call it), I know some most criticisms are true (I just don't swallow the disbelief, self-righteousness, and irresponsibility of the older generations, um, sorry, its pretty easy to figure out how it happened). Anyway, when people hilariously point out the absurdities of my generation, I enjoy it mightily (and I know I deserve a lot of it too).
