2017 Reading Challenges and Classics Club Spin 15

I updated my reading challenges page (adding way too many challenges, but hey, lets have fun), and I also decided to participate a bit more in the Classics Club while I finish up. Perhaps I may do participate with another list after all. A more reasonable list . . . with more reviewable books. Anyway, I'm going to participate in the current spin

1. A Portrait of A Lady
2. Brothers Karamazov
3. Coriolanus 
4. Cymbelline
5. Dombey and Sons
6. Grapes of Wrath
7. King John
8. Le Morte d’Arthur
9. Macbeth
10. Mere Christianity
11. Mill on the Floss
12. Ruth
13. Sylvia’s Lovers
14. The Bostonians
15. The Crucible
16. The Four Loves
17.The Great Divorce
18. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
19. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
20. The Old Curiosity Shop

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