Geography and Travel Links

Seterra. This is addictive. I want some blank maps, some games (I am almost certain playing "Where in the World" helped our geography), and this map to help me better my geography.

Life in Germany. I like looking up U.S. vs. some European culture blank. Most of them have attitude and possibly language or topic issues. So it was nice to hear from a kind, Christian raised American kid. And he is funny.

Sometimes all the places that one can visit is overwhelming. Here is UNESCO's lists and maps of World Heritage Sites.

And here is how to find U.S. National Parks (historic and natural), Battlefields, Trails, Monuments, Seashores etc. by state. I've been to these parks: Arches, Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains, Mammoth Cave, Petrified Forrest and Painted Desert, and Zion.

Other national sites I've visited or seen: Alcatraz (boat ride, but we didn't actually visit island); Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial (it was being redone, so it was empty), Blue Ridge Parkway; Colonial (Jamestown, we didn't see Yorktown); Mohave Desert (we drove through and had to turn our air conditioning off and ride with our windows open per the signs); Petroglyph National Monument; Point Reyes National Seashore, and several National Memorials and Monuments in D.C.

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