About Fandoms

I'm not big into fandoms. I think they can be super annoying and people can be weirdly obsessed. I think it is especially odd if the fandom is something that really won't last very long. Do fandoms annoy anyone else? I suppose I do sort of fangirl sometimes, but when I go overboard or watch others go overboard or find too much fanart, fanfiction, I get disgusted or annoyed with what I originally liked, you know?

I really liked all the fanart with fanfiction of the HP Marauder generation in Pins on Pinterest, but with my interest came overindulgence, and I found some stupid, sickening stuff. So that and watching the movies (which I don't really care much for) has rather harmed my careful spacing of my re-reads.

And I know I hate when people mess with the oh, so sacred book and story!

I like to constantly read new novels and give myself space to come back to old favorites after a long interlude. Hence my love of the library. Maybe part of all this is I didn't read much as a teen, and so I don't have such a long-read list that I can more naturally have huge gaps in favorites.

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