Structured Spontaneity

My dad quoted someone as saying some people were running on "chaos" theory. While I'm not sure I'm that bad, I certainly run on fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants theory (I certainly did my Senior year of college; my sister, also a Senior then, told me later that I about gave her a heart attack . . . regularly) . . . or maybe moodiness theory. I think that this is part of the reason why I cannot seem to match personality types to a T (if they are very detailed). I like rules and lists, but I don't like following schedules and lists. I follow honor codes and laws, but silly rules don't appeal to me. I keep some things in my head, and I need a few things on paper and in my phone, but when I have too many to-dos, I get overwhelmed.

I guess I like structured spontaneity. I want a list items to choose from, to CHOOSE from, not to be bound toI think that my entire family might be this way, but some of us are more motivated and disciplined. Now, I don't like completely winging errands or vacations . . . especially since that sometimes means we do nothing. Of course, when we do have lists, my energy is quickly expended.

I'm easily overwhelmed. I don't know why I pin or bookmark these pages, sometimes. I think these can be great as bouncing points. I like the lists of activates, books, etc. to pick from, I don't like the lists of to-dos. I need more general ideas, and sometimes somethings are better left in my head or at least I might use lists to get to that point but not to keep as checklists. The more inspirational things, well, I think I'd like to get a chalkboard for that, those types of pages have been wasted paper in my bullet journal, and they don't matter if they don't take root in my heart anyway.

Top 5 bullet journal ideas.

This is more my speed type of organization. For people who aren't natural planners.

For the undisciplined like me, the first suggestion is the best.

And I already know this, and occasionally do this, but I'm so addicted (i.e. undisciplined and default to the internet).

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