What I Read November

Well, this is embarrassing. I did work more than I have ever in my life . . . and then went home and wasted time on the computers. Yeah. I had time, plenty of time.

The Quest for Cosmic Justice by Thomas Sowell. Timeless discussion of differing paradigms.

The first two of the Spiderwick Chronicles. Um, yes, I know these are juvenile, but the first was cute. I was put off by some things, but I wanted some easy (stop laughing) reads. But after the second. Nope. This has gross and twisted. Also, my internal alarm system is bizarre. I'll get into that with my December reads.

I've been putting down a lot of books lately. Time is too precious and there are too many good books in the world to waste on silliness. My December reading will be much better. It helps that I could read at work the last few days unlike most of last month.

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